Here are links to the most interesting videos:

2019 July - F18 World Championships in Spain with Max Tjarnsved

This first video is about one minute long is a promotion for the Nacra Infusion Mk III. We were sailing with the Nacra team highlighted in the video so were also filmed in many places including the cover.

The following twelve minute video is the official overview video of the World Championships at La Ballena Alegre in Spain. We appear briefly four times in the video at 0:19, 2:15, 5:30 and 9:15. The video is in Spanish but you can get an understanding of what they are talking about most of the time and the video is very good.

2018 Nov - Cata Cup Day 2 in St Bartholemy with Michael Risoer

Short 3 minute video of the second day at Cata Cup which was very windy at 20-24 kts so we sailed inside St Jean bay. We appear very briefly at 2:04 minutes into the video wearing the red helmets.

2018 Sept - Nordic Championships Day 3 in Finland with Matt Morris

Short video at 3.5 minutes after our victory features an interview with Matt and Steve. Interviewer asks about our capsize in the last race. Going into this race we knew we had already won the regatta so were not worried after the capsize. Unfortunately I could not embed this video but you can go to it directly at:

2018 July - European Championships Day 3 in Spain with Alex Mudge

Short video at 58 seconds about the second day of the European so you can get a feel for the atmosphere.  We are not in the video.

2018 July - European Championships Day 2 in Spain with Alex Mudge

Short video at 58 seconds about the second day of the European so you can get a feel for the atmosphere.  We are not in the video.

2018 June - Kiel Week Day 2 with Alex Mudge

Video is 3:46 hours.  Start at 1:29 for the coverage of the F18 third race of the day.  We start off very well rounding the first mark in first place but then drop over the course of the next laps to ninth place.  Our bigger mistakes are obvious in the film so it is a good learning tool.  The narrative is in German. #KielerWoche

2016 September - US National Championships in New Jersey with Matt Morris

Video is 7:46 minutes.  We are in the video in numerous places sailing with a black spinnaker, red helmets and white shirts.  Watch for Matt's comments at the end of the video after the sponsor logos.

2016 July - European Championships in Brest, France (Day 3)

Video is 2:29 minutes.  Look for us wearing the red jersey and red helmets on USA 2727.  There is a great spinnaker run with Matt Morris out on the trapeze wire at 1:59 into the video.

2016 August - Italian/German F18 Championships on Lake Garda, Italy with Matt Morris

Video is 4:21 minutes.  Look for us wearing the white jersey and red helmets on USA 2727.  There is a short shot of us with the California flag 0:55 into the video.

2016 July - Nacra Championships on Lake Como, Italy with Matt Morris

Video is 3:39 minutes and includes interviews of us after we had two 2nd place finishes on day 2.

2015 June - Kiel Week sailing with Seamus Woodward-George

Video is 4 hours long and includes play by play coverage of race 3 and 4 on day 2.  Best to start at 2:50 to watch the last part of the final race up to 3:03 (13 minutes).  Look for USA 2727 with the red spinnaker.

2016 July - European Championships in Brest, France (Day 1)

Video is 2:27 minutes.  Look for us wearing the red jersey and red helmets on USA 2727 at 1:34 into the video.

2016 September - US National Championships in New Jersey with Matt Morris

Video is 4:52 minutes.  We are in the video in numerous places sailing with a black spinnaker, red helmets and white shirts.